goin mad soon....
those kids............................
y must they come to my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HATE it!
one niece is enough....wanna add another 2 cousin!
i goin crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy soooooooooooooooooooooon............
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Posted by
9:50 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
the tales of 2 bestfriends...hahahahha
2 wonderful weeks with my 2 lovely friends!
last week...thurs...
we decided to break the rules...
nola...not very serious wan....
just go watch midnight movie...
we watch the enchanted at 11.50pm...and the movie ends at 1.30am...
hehehehe....my very 1st midnight movie...
but actually it is a total suffer...
since the movie starts at 11.50pm...we hav to wait n wait n wait outside the cinema cause all the shops r closed...haih...
so we took some pictures while waiting to kill time!
after that.....me n rac hav to fetch miss nicole all the way back to cyber...
n finally i reach home around 3am...
after this incident...it gave me an idea...
next time i could tell my mom that i am goin for midnite movie...
but instead of goin for movie...lets go clubbing!!!! hahahahaha
naughty me... :P
n then....yesterday...wednesday...
us again...went out together-gether...
this time...we go to bkt bintang...
nicole's wonderful plan was......
1st sing k...then..shoppin till drop...
then finally go walk walk at connaught pasar malam...
so....we leave kjg around 10.15am....n reach time square around 11am...
n as plan...we went to neway to sing k...
n when we head to our room...room 51....our jaws drop wide down....
the room is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!
it had a if i not mistaken 50+++ inch tv!!!!!!
plus....inside hav a personal toilet...hahahaha....but kinda DIRTY!
so here u go....some pics when nicole is singing...hahahaha
be4 this...i seriously dont really like to go sing k....
but after singing k with nicole n rachel...i realize it is fun to go with those who enjoys the same type of songs as urself did...
so thanks GUYS! next time lets go sing like crazy again...hehehehe
ok...1 pm...."plz pay ur bills..."said the waiter...
so after that we head to sg wang....walk around n around...
but seems like ntg much there...
n rachel receive a bad news....
she hav to go for dinner with her family... :(
so end up...she cant join us for pasar malam...."_"
hmm...seems like time for HI-TEA!! hahaha
so we head to pavilion...
at 1st i suggest we go eat donuts...
so go look for J n CO...LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng q'
so...we go look for another donut store...BIG APPLE...
is closed for upgradin!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR....
so no choice...we look for other food store....
n i thought WONGKOK is the nearest...so decided to go hav hi-tea there...
very very nice place!!!!!
right after we ordered our food...
then nicole said..."i think this is wongkok plus"
HUH???? i said..."ya...because when i walk in i saw it written wongkok plus at the counter" said nicole...
so..i told her y dint she say it earlier...n she reply cause i already walked in....
luckily the price there wasnt overly expensive...just few cents more..
but the drinks they serve was bigger too...so i guess is worth it...hehehehe
i love the environment... ^_^
so here is the food we ordered and some pics we took...
hotdog n ham burger...
ham n bacon sandwich..
cheesy chicken wings..
3 cups of ying yong...kekekeke...
after the wonderful high-tea...
we went to walk around pavilion be4 we go back to time square to get my car...
so...around 6.30pm...we reached connaught....
so rachel hav to wait at the petrol station for her family to pick her... :(
so...me n nicole go walk n walk n walk around pasar malam...
1st of all nicole got herself a pair of fake eye lashes...
n then i brought smelly toufu...how many?? 14 pieces...hahaha
of course is not all for me la...i only took 2 pieces...hehehehe
then we go for dinner at the laksa store...yummy!
then on the way back...i got a pair of scandal while nicole got a t-shirt... :)
so finally the end of my day was to sent nicole back to cyber...
goin there was fine...cause nicole is with me...
but i am goin back by myself...it was a horrible journey...
i follow all the instruction that nicole told me...
but then somehow i dint get to where she mention...
so i just go on...until i say kjg sign...but it bring me to a super duper dark place...luckily there r few cars that come in to this road where they also realize it is not the right way ....so all also u-turning...hahaha...so i also follow...
thank god...i got out of cyber....i HATE cyber road sign...grr...
hahaha...so...end of the day i reach home at 10.40pm...:)
ps: sorry to those who r readin...i know it is long...but i lazy wanna break into 2 posts...hehehehe...hope u enjoy!
Posted by
9:50 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
shopping mania!!!!!!!!!!
hmm....1st started off with raechen who ask me to bring her to shah alam...
cause she last minute only know that she need to hand in her gd 5 cert..hahaha
on monday morning...i went to college to wait for raechen...
then we headed to rae's music center as she need to accompany a student's violin exam....
the funny thing is...this girl who r takin exam dont even know wat is the name of her pieces! terrible... plus...she loses 10 marks cause she didnt do her program notes...haih...so irresposible!
ok...then we went to eat dim sum in damansara jaya....
kinda nice n cheaper :)
went back to rae's house to pick up her mom....cause her dad dont believe that she can travel round shah alam alone...hahahhaa
went to shah alam n back to pj around 2.30pm...
n after that we went to midvalley!!!!!!!!
whooossh..........so many cars on mon in midvalley!!!!!
ok...got a parkin spot then SHOPPING!!!!!!!!
hmm....we walk around midvalley...but ntg much...so we walk over to the gardens...
1st stop! ICE-CREAM!!!!!
we buy 2 cones of gelatissimo's ice-cream...
rae brought christmas pudding...while i got a pistachio ice-cream...
n be4 we leave gardens...we visited our fav shoppin again...PERLINIS SILVER!!!
hahahaha....again... :P
i brought a pair of diamond earrings n rae got a starfish earring...hehehe...
n then...today....
we ended up in midvalley again...hahaha
2 times in a week!
this time...i went after mr lee's class while rae got to work in college....
hmm...y midvalley again?
my perlini earring were not in perfect shape...so need to change it...
so ended up there...hahaha
n beside changin my earring...i also got a nice mickey pink cap... :)
n how much is it??? RM 69....
nah...kidding...it was originally RM69 but now is on sales...
it is only RM28... :)
n i like its plastic bag....very cool phrase...
"i took all my savings out just for threepointsix season sales to happen in this lifetime... "
hopefully next week will go shoppin again...hahahaha
Posted by
10:14 PM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
my biggest mistake...
never know that this could happen...
i invest my money on something i thought i need...
few weeks later which is today...the thing that i needed more has arrived...
these is my best opportunity to get things that i needed more than ever...
unfortunately.....i guess this thing that i really needed will never be mine for now.....
i will never ever do such mistake anymore....
Posted by
10:12 PM
Monday, December 03, 2007
i miss....
i miss lots of things in my life....
during my younger years (1988-1994)...
i missed the time where i can cure my eyes...
i missed the time where i was so closed to my grandparents...
i missed the time where i was michelle's bestfriend in kindergarden....
during my primary school time (1995-2000)...
i missed the time where i was sher li,shi ying and ee lyn's bestfriend...
i missed the time where i was so closed to my cousin...xin wei...
i missed the time where i was having lots of fun with jeslyn during exams....hahaha
i missed the time where i was enjoying myself with my whole family during holidays...
i missed the time where i was part of the gimrama team in sk convent....
i missed the time where i was joining the competition for gimrama n won 1st place...
during my secondary school time (2001-2005)...
i missed the time where i was practicing basketball with shireen and alicia...
i missed the time where i was hanging out with my friends in mcd...
i missed the time where i was stella's sis....
i missed the time where i was goin for a class trip to sunway lagoon...
i missed the time where i was having so much fun with nicole and alicia...
i missed the time where i was running out from school during school events...haha..
i missed the time where i was joking and laughing with my schoolmates...
i missed the time where i was camping with st john members....
i missed the time where i was still with him...
i missed the time where i was havin fun during extra curriculum's activities...
i missed the time where i was the pianist for my school choir....
i missed the time where i was part of the choir team who won 1st place in competition
i missed the time where i was eating and laughin with nicole in koperasi...
i missed the time where i was commitee of few of the clubs that i joined in school..
i missed the time where i was so excited + scared during the released of spm result..
during my foundation year (2006)....
i missed the time where i was hangin out with nicole n stella after not seein
each other for a long time...
i missed the time where i was meeting my new friendly friends...
i missed the time where i was hanging out and shoppinwith my 2 true friends
in college raechen and rain.....
i missed the time where i was performing as solo pianist for the very 1st time...
i missed all that i had missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
5:34 PM